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Tag: eyes

Are 3D movies hurting your eyes?

As 3D movies become increasingly popular – with more being released all the time ­– one study shows this film medium could be a good indicator of vision issues among people of all ages. After watching a 3D movie, check for the following three simple signs to see if you have an issue to be evaluated by an ophthalmologist.

Treat and Prevent Pesky Springtime Allergies

Spring is in the air – and it’s not the only thing. As temperatures rise and flowers bloom, seasonal allergies are in full effect, leaving you frustrated and uncomfortable. The sudden influx of springtime pollen causes your body’s immune system to overreact to the allergen and thus, flood the eyes with disease-fighting cells. Aside from the sneezing and sniffling, you may experience blurred vision and sensitive skin due to swollen, itchy, and watery eyes. So what can you do to treat and prevent these pesky allergens?

Glaucoma Awareness Month

As January winds down, we at ilumin want you to know that January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Have you had your eyes checked for it recently? If not, you should.