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4 Ways to Delay Cataracts Formation at Any Age

According to Prevent Blindness America, cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss for individuals over the age of 40.  In fact, everyone shows signs of developing cataracts by the time they reach 50.  However, they do not always cause problems severe enough to warrant removal
No matter your age, there are steps you can take to help delay the onset of cataracts. Don’t wait until your vision becomes affected to start thinking about cataracts— here are some vision tips you can tackle today:

Reign in Your Vices

Smoking poses a litany of health risks to you and those around you, including increasing your risk for cataracts and cardiovascular diseases that can influence eye health. Avoiding smoking is one of the best investments you can make in your long-term health.

Heading out for happy hour this week? Remember to enjoy your beer, wine, and cocktails in moderation. Like cigarettes, excess alcohol consumption can pose a number of health risks, one of which is an increased chance of developing cataracts.

Eat Well

Diabetics are at greater risk for developing cataracts, in addition to diabetes related damage to the eyes. Maintaining a healthy blood sugar and body weight is important for both your overall health and your eye health.

Eating plenty of leafy greens and foods high in antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, selenium, and vitamins C and E may also help ward off cataract development. Vitamin supplements are also a great way to make up for the nutrients your diet may be lacking.

Keep Safe in the Shade

Ultraviolet light can accelerate the formation of cataracts. Reduce your eyes’ exposure to these harmful rays by wearing a wide-brimmed hat when spending time outdoors and wearing sunglasses with UVA/UVB protection, no matter the season.

Visit Your Eye Doctor

Even if your vision is clear and healthy, make it a priority to schedule yearly eye exams. A routine visit allows your ilumin ophthalmologist to look for signs of cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other vision disorders. This early detection just may save your sight!