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6 Tips for Healthier Eyes

Nebraska is gorgeous. In the summertime, our colorful sunsets resemble masterpieces by Monet, our sandhills offer a deep, verdant shade of green, and our fields of grain stretch to the horizon like golden oceans. Isn’t all of that beauty worth seeing as clearly as possible? The following are a few everyday adjustments you can make to strengthen and protect your eyes—so you’ll never miss a precious moment.

1) Monitor your diet
For sharper vision, feast on healthier foods. Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are rich in Lutein, an antioxidant that protects your eyes from the constant bombardment of light over time. Other helpful foods include organic pastured egg yolks (also packed with Lutein) and wild-caught Alaskan salmon (rich in Omega 3s, which guard against eye degeneration). The less processed the food, the healthier.

2) Sunglasses
Those shades you bought may be fashionable, but they’re far more functional by shielding your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. Look for sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of UV-A and UV-B radiation. Wear them liberally in daylight, year round. (And if you must wear shades at night during your blues guitar solo, just remind people that “The Sun never sets on cool.”)

3) Optimize your office
Always make sure your computer is at eye level—even if that means propping it up using a nearby book—to prevent undue strain on the eyes and the neck. Anti-glare screens are a plus, as well as eliminating or blocking any glare from windows or interior lights. Your eyes will thank you.

4) Quit smoking or never start
The more you smoke, the greater the risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and dry eye syndrome. Better to clear the air now than later.

5) Eye protection
If you participate in sports or activities, always wear eye protection. That means protective eyewear on the basketball court, goggles in the swimming pool, or even sunglasses during regular activities such as gardening. You’ll not only protect your eyes from an immediate accident like a corneal scratch. You’ll also protect yourself from long-term injuries that result from constant exposure to airborne irritants, chemicals, dust and more.

6) Get an eye exam
Of course, a routine examination will measure your vision and present opportunities to fine-tune it. But just as importantly, it will enable your doctor to identify any future issues or risk of eye degeneration in early stages. Even if you think you have perfect vision, an eye exam may reveal that you’ve been straining your eyes far more than you think. An eye exam offers clarity in more ways than one. Quite literally, seeing is believing.

When it comes to maintaining overall eye health, the above are just the tip of the iceberg (or eyes-berg, dare we say). To better see this wonderful world in all its glory, you can always request an appointment with one of our board-certified ophthalmologists in our relaxing, spa-like professional setting.

We’ll be seeing you. And vice versa.