Kugler Vision Modern Vision Solutions Ilumin
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Our docs make New Year’s resolutions with the help of the ilumin staff, of course.

This is the time of year when we all take a long hard look at our health, our habits, and our hopes for the coming year and set tangible goals to improve before the ball drops again next year.

Believe it or not, our fun and friendly staff at ilumin were even able to find places they could dig a little deeper, live a little better, and become even more successful versions of themselves in 2018. Nobody is perfect, after all, but Doctors Parson, Arkfeld, and Goldstein are about as close as they come. To help keep them on goal, we’ve come up with suggestions to make each of their resolutions more attainable.

Dr. Parson

  • I hereby resolve to dial down my awesomeness in the office, so we are all on the same level.
    Suggestion from staff: Learning to begin sentences with “When I was your age”, regardless of the age of the person being addressed, or the topic in question.
  • I resolve to curse at the computers only once per day. This will be difficult.
    Suggestion from staff: Learn a new language to swear in and get off on a technicality. Eg: I’d like to see ye Gon fer a Burton in the Bog, ye Blimey conkers! *Don’t look that up.
  • I resolve to stop calling meetings “stupid”. This one will be especially hard. Some meetings will still need to be called out…
    Suggestion from staff: The thesaurus is a friend to all, especially those who are required to attend dull, stolid, or otherwise trivial congregations.
  • I resolve to keep my desk relatively clutter free.
    Suggestion from staff: Moving anything you’re currently done working on, but not yet ready to part with to a colleague’s desk simultaneously makes your desk less cluttered, and theirs appear more cluttered, giving the impression that you are all the more organized. Congratulations!

UPDATE: Meetings are still a struggle but by mentally take a trip to Tahiti she can have that nonchalant, calm outward appearance while suffering through them.As for computers, the doctor has resolved that there is no need to verbally curse at them. Instead she has resolved to learn computer programming so she can bring the curse back to the programmers. :)She is still working on making her desk a Zen-like sanctuary of minimalism. Minimal time cleaning it off seems to be her one success.

Dr. Arkfeld

  • I resolve not to be three months behind on my letter correspondence.
    Suggestion from staff: Pre-printed stationery that says “text me next time”.
  • I resolve to get my own coffee.
    Suggestion from staff: Soak beard in coffee and slurp all day. No dirty dishes!
  • I resolve to Trek Up The Tower again this year.
    Suggestion from staff: That’s 40 floors. 633 feet… Start now? Don’t forget to soak beard for caffeine fix halfway up!

UPDATE: Dr. Arkfeld and his wife made it to the top again this year! To celebrate they decided to go to Bob’s Donuts for a well-deserved reward. Even though he hasn’t quite figured out the coffee yet he has been completing his charts and letters on the day of each appointment. Way to go Dr. Arkfeld!

Dr. Goldstein

  • I resolve to try and stay more caught up with my charts.
    Suggestion from staff: Put them on Dr. Parson’s desk. It’s so cluttered she’ll think they’re hers and do them for you!
  • I resolve to be a better listener, father, and husband.
    Suggestion from staff: Tie bells around your family. You will be able to hear them constantly.
  • I resolve to watch less sports on TV.
    Suggestion from staff: Two words: Season. Tickets.

We hope that 2017 was a happy, healthy, and successful year for you! Thank you for being part of ilumin’s family. We are looking forward to seeing another beautiful year with you!