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Tag: Eye Health

Eye Exam Basics

Did you know that your eyes can tell your ophthalmologist about your overall health? Learn what you can expect during your eye exam and the reasons why your doctor performs certain tests. 

Importance of Early Vision Screening

As you help your little learners strap on their SpongeBob backpacks and head off to preschool for the first time, how confident are you that their vision health is in A+ condition? Geteyesmart.org conducted a recent study of more than 10,000 preschoolers to equip parents with information on vision risks based on ethnicity and other factors and to underscores the importance of early vision screenings.

Eye Tips for Teens

There’s little in the life of a teen that is more exciting than heading back to school to see friends again after the longs summer. And for many students, getting back to the books means it’s also time for some stylish wardrobe additions. Help your teen be a trendsetter with a pair of fashionable new frames from the ilumin salon. If your young ones have normal vision, suit them with these tips for maintaining healthy eyesight:

What is Astigmatism?

We all get a good chuckle from those fun house mirrors that make us appear taller, wider, thinner, or ganglier. But having chronically distorted or blurry vision because of astigmatism is no laughing matter. 

Help! I’ve Got A Stye in My Eye!

They may be unsightly, but styes are harmless and disappear on their own within a few weeks. Styes are caused by blockages in eyelid oil glands which prevent the natural secretion from those glands. Do not try to squeeze or pop styes around your eyes; as you run the risk of spreading infection.

Simple Steps for Treating a Shiner

It happens in every family – usually when you have a thousand other things going on.  One of the kids comes home from soccer practice or a friends house with a black eye.  Don’t panic. Here’s how we recommend treating eye bruising: First, check for signs of more serious symptoms. If the vision is blurred, double vision, visible blood,  or inability to move the eye, those could be indicators of a more serious eye problem. Call an ilumin ophthalmologist right away for medical attention.